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How do I complete the registration form?

In order to register with Snip you must have valid e-mail address and to be capable of immediately retrieving e-mail sent to that address.

You must supply a user name and a password on the appropriate form. You may choose your own user name or use the same user name from the auction services. Your user name may up to 16 symbols long and may consist of alphanumeric characters and the following symbols: '.', '-' and '_'. Your password must be at least 6 characters long. It may consist of alphanumeric characters and keyboard symbols except the quotation mark ("), backslash (\) and space.

Neither the user name nor password can contain any diacritical marks.

After filling out the registration form, an e-mail with the confirmation code will be sent at the given address. Please follow instructions included in it to confirm your registration and activate your Snip account.

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