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How do I protect my account against unauthorized access?

Here are some tips about password management that minimize the risk of unauthorized access of your account.

  • Choose a different passwords for each auction service you use. This will minimize potential loss if one of them is revealed.
  • Use passwords that contains numbers and symbols as well as letters. Passwords with numbers and symbols are harder to guess. But "mike76" is a poor choice when Mike is your name and 76 is the year of your birth. Avoid words or numbers that are associated with you.
  • If you write down your password, keep it well hidden. Do not stick it to your monitor or laying it in your desk's drawer. And do no write all of your login information (user name, website, password) in one place. One piece of information is worthless without the others.
  • Don't use "Keep me signed" option on public or shared computers. If you suspect that someone has gained access to your Snip account, change your Snip password immediately.
Note that unauthorized access to your Snip account will not reveal any of the login information you use on auction services.

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